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All appointments are carefully scheduled so please ensure you are not late. Being late can affect other customers appointments, therefore please call if you are going to be late so we can discuss details. Customers will be given a grace of 15 minutes (with no contact) following the appointment time but if this is exceeded, the appointment will have to be re-scheduled and you will be charged the full groom fee.


If you do need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please make sure you do this in good time so I am able to fill this appointment. Giving anything less than 24 hours' notice is not enough time for me to get this re-booked, therefore there will be a 50% charge of what the grooming fee would have been.


Under all circumstances your dogs welfare will be priority when grooming. The dog will not be put through any unnecessary stress or discomfort due to severe knots and matts. Your dogs knots/matts will be assessed at the beginning of the groom to ascertain if they can be salvaged. If the matts are too close to the skin and will cause discomfort to the dog then sadly the dog will have to be clipped. This may mean the dogs groom will not be to your desire or breed standard. After matting has been removed, in some cases the dog may have some skin issues after due to the matts pulling on the dogs skin/clippers being so close to the skin etc. This is the owner's responsibility to have treated if needed and will take full responsibility. This is all done under the Animal welfare act 2006 to prevent the dog from any pain and discomfort. In severe heavily matted cases there can be an additional charge due to the extension of the dogs grooming appointment, equipment wear and tear etc. 


Prior to your appointment I must be made aware of any flea infestation on the dog so the salon can be prepared and no dogs will cross over to minimise any cross contamination. Due to the extra time, equipment, cleaning etc. there will be an additional charge for flea infested dogs to cover this. 


It is your responsibility as the dogs owner to ensure your dog(s) are fit and healthy enough for grooming, this is including sick and elderly dogs. I cannot be held responsible if the grooming process exposes any underlying/pre-existing health or skin issues. Whilst in my care, if your dog falls ill or is injured then a vet shall be called or they will be taken to the closest vets. If this were to occur all the expenses are to be covered by the owner and I shall not be held liable. 


I will not groom any pregnant, bitches in season or bitches feeding pups. This needs to be communicated to me prior to your arrival, so your appointment can be allocated to another dog. A fee may apply if no notice is given for this restriction. 


If the dog is showing any signs of aggression towards any person or dog around then they will be muzzled for everyone's safety. At the discretion of the groomer an aggressive dog can also be sent home regardless of how complete the groom is. If this does occur, then the owner shall be charge appropriately and will be held liable for any damaged or expenses the dog has caused.


As you can appreciate taking pictures of dogs we have groomed is great for advertising, self-reflecting, education, personal records. If you wish for your dog(s) to not be pictured for social media/advertising, please make known.


Customers must sign that they have read and agree with all of the above terms & conditions before appointment. 



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